Sustainability and Phenomenon-based learning (PhBL) Erasmus KA210
Fenntarthatóság és jelenségalapú oktatás Erasmus pályázat
ERASMUS+ 2022-1-HU01-KA210-SCH-000083239
We find that phenomenon-based learning is the best method to give to teachers with the use of which they can ensure that students see the connections between different subjects, get motivated and curious to continue and thus will eventually grow up to be innovative problem-solvers of climate change and other complex socio-economic issues. We want students to become drivers of change and responsible global citizens. The key to students are teachers, and therefore our aim is to equip teachers with the necessary knowledge and tools.
Therefore, the project aims to provide primary school teachers with practical knowledge and understanding on sustainability education and phenomenon-based learning (PhBL). As the project is an international development cooperation, the creation of new learning and teaching methods will be further promoted by the innovative pool of intercultural teacher collaboration. The teacher collaboration will occur in the form of the teacher exchange programme through which Hungarian and Finnish teachers will be working together to plan and organise a PhBL project week in Finland and in Hungary as well. The main theme of these PhBL project weeks will be sustainability, where students will be exploring different practical means of how they can act sustainably, what does this really mean and how sustainability is linked with climate change.
Úgy gondoljuk, hogy a jelenségalapú tanulás a legjobb módszer a tanárok számára, amelynek segítségével biztosíthatják, hogy a diákok meglássák a különböző tantárgyak közötti összefüggéseket, motiváltak és kíváncsiak lesznek a tanulásra, és így végül az éghajlatváltozás és más összetett társadalmi-gazdasági kérdések innovatív problémamegoldóivá válnak. Azt szeretnénk, ha a diákok a változás mozgatórugói és felelős világpolgárok lennének. A tanárok a diákoknak kulcsfontosságúak, ezért célunk, hogy a tanárokat felvértezzük a szükséges ismeretekkel és eszközökkel.
Ezért a projekt arra törekszik, hogy az általános iskolai tanárokat gyakorlati ismeretekkel és megértéssel lássa el a fenntarthatóságra neveléssel és a jelenségalapú tanulással (PhBL) kapcsolatban. Mivel a projekt egy nemzetközi fejlesztési együttműködés, az új tanulási és tanítási módszerek kialakítását tovább segíti az interkulturális tanári együttműködés innovatív tárháza. A tanári együttműködés a tanárcsereprogram formájában valósul meg, amelynek keretében magyar és finn tanárok közösen terveznek és szerveznek PhBL-projekt hetet Finnországban és Magyarországon is. A PhBL-projekthetek fő témája a fenntarthatóság lesz, ahol a diákok különböző gyakorlati eszközökkel vizsgálják meg, hogyan tudnak fenntarthatóan cselekedni, mit jelent ez valójában, és hogyan kapcsolódik a fenntarthatóság az éghajlatváltozáshoz.
First Teacher training: Introduction to Phenomenon-based learning by Orsolya Tuba, 25.01.2023 14.30-16.00 EET, online
The aim of this training is to provide a comprehensive overview of phenomenon-based learning (PhBL) approach and its application to sustainability education. Practical tips and tools for incorporating sustainability education are also shown to participants. After the session, participants have become more confident in what PhBL means, and how the evaluation of PhBL projects can happen. Teachers also became more aware of the complex nature of sustainability education and were given the necessary basic knowledge for the upcoming PhBL workshops.
Phenomenon-based learning (PhBL) workshop with Heidi Lammassaari (part 1)
2 February 2023, Jyväskylä, Tikka School onsite and Jankay Tibor Primary School online (hybrid)
The aim of the workshop was to equip teachers with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to prepare their plans for the Sustainability theme week organized on a school level. Teachers of Tikka school are taking the PhBL approach when preparing their lesson plans and are collaborating with their colleagues of the same age group students. The outcome of this workshop was to provide a collaborative and inspired space for teachers to produce practical plans to be further finalized.
Phenomenon-based learning (PhBL) workshop with Heidi Lammassaari (part 2)
Date: 22 February 2023, online
As a follow-up to the first PhBL workshop, the aim of this session was to present the draft plans of teacher teams and to take the next final steps in the collaborative planning process. During this workshop, teacher participants had the opportunity to discuss their ideas, reflections and ask questions from the trainer host as well as each other.
PhBL Sustainability Theme Week in Tikka School with Hungarian teachers, 13-17 March 2023, Place: Tikka School, Jyväskylä – Finland
A sustainability theme week was organised in Tikka School, to which the whole teaching community has collaborated on. The previous workshops on sustainability and PhBL contributed greatly to the ideation and planning of the theme week, where teachers organised trips to the local recycling centre, nearby grocery store recycling station and invited other sustainability experts to introduce the topic to the students in more depth. Project taks were introduced using the PhBL method, during which students learnt about the complex topic of sustainability from various perspectives, improving different competences and skills. After the successful PhBL week, teachers of Tikka and Jankay School held a feedback and feed forward ‘roundtable’ session to share their reflections. Watch the recording back here:
PhBl Sustainability Theme Week in Jankay School with Finnish teachers, 17-21 April 2023 , Békéscsabai Jankay Tibor Bilingual Primary School, Békéscsaba, Hungary
The theme week of sustainability was implemented at Jankay Tibor Bilingual Primary School, which was made even more special by the visit of five teachers from Tikka School, Finland. Jankay teachers planned the theme week similarly to what they observed during their visit in Tikka School, using the phenomenon-based learning (PhBL) method and approached the topic of sustainability through a project-based approach. Students could learn about the environmental, social, economic and cultural aspects of sustainability and were also visiting local recycling centre, created a compost and reused old clothing for new DIY projects. During the end of the theme week, an open event was also organized for teachers in the region, who could learn about the project and bring the ideas of sustainability education, PhBL and positive pedagogy with them to their classrooms. A roundtable discussion was closing the theme week activity, where teachers shared their critical reflections and feed forward.